More and more people hear about the Twin Flames phenomenon nowadays, especially because of the power of the internet and some of the Twin Flame pairs being involved in the mainstream culture and on social media platforms.

It is easy to have it mixed up with a Soulmate connection or other soul connections, especially if you haven’t been on a Twin Flame journey yourself or if you are not too much into spirituality, but no worries, that is completely fine and kind of expected.


So… what are Twin Flames?


We believe that, as a couple who’s been on the journey itself, it is our duty and honour to bring interested people closer to this phenomenon, to the whole world of spirituality, plus distinguish some important things in the process.

In order to fulfill that, we’ve prepared the following article among the many other articles on this blog.


Enjoy! 🙂


Twin Flames Introduction Flamesverse

Photo by Ibraim Leonardo on Pexels


Introduction to Twin Flames:


Although the term can seem complex and hard to understand, it can be easily explained via the following Twin Flames definition:

Twin Flames are the most powerful soul connection that exists, based on the idea that when the soul achieves a specific frequency, it “splits” into two parts, manifesting as two physical bodies, incarnating on 3D plane (on Earth).

Now, when does the Twin Flame soul achieve that specific frequency?



It is said that after it has incarnated twice, having two past lives (once as a male and once as a female counterpart), the Twin Flame soul fulfills the divine requirements for the third, final reincarnation to take place. It allows both “halves”, now being present at the same time, to reach Union and become One again (on all planes of existence, including the 3rd dimension, also known as 3D).

The pair is always in Twin Flames Sacred Union, it being present by default on some planes, however, there’s a lot of work to be done, a lot of things to go through for the Divine Timing to bring the physical, 3D Union to fruition.

Main claim is that the reason behind this final reincarnation lays in the overall past life trauma. Since such soul arrives to the 5th dimension (5D) energetically damaged, it goes into a healing phase instantly. Part of the soul’s energy appears to be damaged beyond the immediate energy healing capabilities, hence it has to split itself into a more damaged and less damaged part. The less damaged part (healthier one) goes into reincarnations (manifesting into physical bodies), while the more damaged one stays in the Spirit Realm for further healing.

The theory on more damaged part often gets tied to the Twin Flames’ third energy phenomenon – often present/felt throughout the pair’s Union, mostly activated through the act of love-making and other intense, intimate moments. This phenomenon may simultaneously feel like merging into One and the creation of something new, warm and expansive, required for further healing of the deepest corners of existence, none of which can be seen, felt or described in an Earthy way (further translated to healing the mentioned, damaged part of the soul, that stayed in 5D).

It is important to mention that both halves of a Twin Flames pair carry a whole soul (with separate masculine/feminine polarities integrated in it and due to be balanced), however, they always gravitate towards each other since they are originally created from the same soul (the same “cloth”) and have the exact same energy and vibration as a result. It is often said that Twin Flames’ dynamics and the carried paradox are perfectly illustrated through the symbol of Yin Yang.

The reason why the soul is not able to heal in its entirety in 5D is that it originally got damaged in 3D, so it has to go through a specific 3D cycle again; then, it can resolve past life issues, learn new lessons, boost self-love, work with spiritual energy, balance the Yin & Yang polarity etc. Since such soul is considered to be a mature, experienced one, it allows the Twin Flame pair to go on a full spiritual journey through their lifetimes, during that third, final reincarnation; opening the door to the complete spiritual awakening, final reunion and the divine bliss.


Image by beate bachmann from Pixabay


Purpose and Mission

Mentioned bliss, an ultimate romance and Twin Flames are the terms often used interchangeably. It should be known that, considering the nature of the pairs’ connection and their mission, the Twin Flame journey is actually the hardest yet the most rewarding one that an individual can endure, and it can be described as anything but a walk-in-the-park type of experience.

One can’t help but wonder:
Why is it like that, what is the purpose? Are Twin Flames on any sort of a special mission here?

We’ll try to bring the answer closer to you in the following paragraphs.

Twin Flames phenomenon is a bit of a paradox; the individual journey, self-discovery and healing is the center of it, however, both halves are not here only for themselves as a couple or the self-enjoyment in all forms.

Their mission is to help the humanity with the Ascension process, raising the collective vibration as a result. Twin Flames actually present the most powerful portal, through which the purest, unconditional love and the immense light waves come to Earth. 

It is often said that, considering the challenges Twin Flames go through (and all the sacrifice, perseverance, pain and longing they have to endure), the purest, heavenly love they get to experience is actually their reward.

There’s also that common attitude seen in Twin Flame couples: we would go through our entire lives again and again, no matter how painful some things were and still are, only to come to know of this journey, find our Twin Flame again and experience this love that feels bigger than life itself.

For us, our purpose and mission is something sacred and presents the highest honour. Sometimes, that surreal feeling kicks in and we still can’t believe that this is our life (in the most positive way possible). We feel that there’s nothing else we would rather do and basically exist for. 🙂 Twin Flame couples are often lost for words when they try to describe what feelings this journey have ignited and still ignites within their soul.


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash


Presence on Earth

Taking all the mentioned things into the consideration, one can conclude that this journey is reserved only for a selected, pre-destined amount of people, meaning that Twin Flame couples are very rare. That fact doesn’t take away anything from their importance and the immaculate impact that they have on humanity and on the entire world, as we know it.

Next question that naturally arises from this is:
How many Twin Flames are actually present on Earth?

There’s a legend that’s been circulating through the different sources as well as on the internet. It is related to the number of 144.000 and has different interpretations. Some sources state that there are exactly 144.000 pairs of Twin Flames at any given moment, while some other sources claim that the number refers to 144.000 Twin Flame individuals, present throughout the entire human history. This number is mentioned in Bible, but also in other books, scriptures, sources, looked at in different ways in different cultures…

Hmm. Interesting topic and food for thought.


No matter how many Twin Flame pairs actually exist, it is important that they are working towards the common goal.

We believe that the Universe pre-planned and orchestrated everything to the perfection; scaled from each and every pair’s journey and Union, to the bigger picture and collective consciousness’ journey; things are just the way they need to be, at any given moment.


Photo by Imam Fadly on Unsplash


Signs Someone is a Twin Flame

Whether you already know that you are on a Twin Flame journey, started to realize it is the possibility after reading this article or you are just being curious about it all, chances are huge you were wondering about some solid signs that someone is a Twin Flame.

Things are just harder in the case you ARE on a Twin Flame journey.
Million questions flood the brain, some phases of the journey and the energetic waves can often cause an emotional chaos, leaving you feeling drained, hyped, torn between the two realities…


Photo by Yaniv Knobel on Unsplash

Hey, that already sounds like one of the signs, doesn’t it?

It’s only natural to keep looking through all possible sources to confirm that what you feel is really rooted into such connection (we admit that those research attempts can feel so hectic and desperate, that they end up looking funny and we couldn’t help but laugh at ourselves at some points!).

Even after you’ve pulled some of those mighty all-nighter researches, feeling equipped with new knowledge and faith, the connection can make you feel like you’re hitting the rock-bottom and starting from ZERO the very next day (bonus is the ”I’m just crazy!” mantra).

We’d be more than happy to help you feel a bit easier… or simply make some things clearer, so, we’ve prepared the following articles that contain ALL possible individual and mutual Twin Flames signs we could think of:


☯  Am I a Twin Flame? 23 Signs That One’s Destined for a Spiritual Journey

☯  20 Mutual Twin Flame Signs: How to Recognize a Powerful Spiritual Bond


Know that:
You are not alone in this, and you have our support! 😉



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