Twin Flames

Do you wonder if you have found yours?

You may read through the Introduction and individual Twin Flame signs articles already, and now the next question is:


How do one knows if some person is their Twin Flame?


There have to be some signs of this connection, right?


When the counterparts meet, things can take off before both of them manage to wrap their minds around the whole experience, leaving them puzzled and in search for answers.

Whether you’re suspecting that you’ve found yours or you’re just curious and want to explore the world of spirituality, we’ve prepared the key 20 mutual Twin Flame signs that are definitely going to distinguish some things for you. 🙂

It’s important to note that not all of them have to apply, or sometimes it happens that they appear and disappear at different points of the pair’s Twin Flame journey.


Let’s check out the signs!

Signs Someone Is Your Twin Flame

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


Signs Someone Is Your Twin Flame


1. Feeling a strong pull or connection, although you just met or have been introduced to them. There’s often that moment of recognition, like: ”I know you from somewhere, but I know I haven’t met you before…”, and also “Oh! There you are. I finally found you.” type of sensation.

2. Feeling like you have known them your whole life, even if you just met them recently. There’s a sense of comfort and familiarity that’s hard to explain and just goes beyond everything you’ve experienced so far, due to you two sharing the same energy, therefore being on the exact same wavelength.

3. There’s often that feeling of meeting yourself; their presence can trigger you (before you even get a chance to interact with each other), and makes it all look surreal, feeling as if you’re watching yourself in another body.

4. Intense eye contact, that surpasses every other you’ve had so far. It feels like you’re both starring right into each other’s Soul and something on that level keeps activating and balancing each time your eyes meet. It may feel like there’s only you two in the world at those moments, and that no one else will ever get you the way they do. It is often said that the very first Twin Flame eye contact serves as a catalyst for Spiritual Awakening, growth, and even full Kundalini Awakening.

5. Experiencing intense episodes of emotional highs and lows when you think about them, or even when you’re around them.


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash 


6. Experiencing different energy-activation sensations when you’re near them, such as: heart palpitations, warmth spreading around your heart chakra, sudden and powerful energy shifts or vibration felt in different parts of your body, magnetism towards the person (unexplainable pull due to energies wanting to merge), bits of electricity as you’re approaching them… Sensations may vary depending on the Twin Flame journey’s phase, and they indicate the balancing process that is going on between you two.

7. Experiencing a certain degree of physical, emotional, or energetic discomfort when you are apart from them. It can also manifest as a feeling of longing or emptiness that can’t be filled by anything or anyone else, simply, as if you’re missing your other half.

8. Experiencing an emotional and spiritual completion when you are with them, as if you are two halves that came to form the whole, original piece.

9. Feeling of calmness and peace that comes over you when you are together, even if you are in the midst of chaos or turmoil. It feels like they have the ability to pull out all the negativity and “vibes junk” out of you, free you from stress or any tension, and heal you instantly. It is often described as dissolving the pain and everything that’s not meant to be inside you, that doesn’t serve you but drags you down instead.

10. Feeling that they are your teacher or mentor, and that they are here to help you learn and grow without any limit.

11. Sense of shared destiny or a feeling that you are meant to accomplish something important together.


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash


12. Sharing core values and principles, your traits and all aspects of personality are complementary. It may happen that you have oddly same taste for numerous things, like: food, music, movies, fashion, design…

13. Feeling free and safe to open yourself to them, to embrace the most authentic version of your existence by all means. It’s like you two have your own, secret world; nothing outside of it can compare, and nothing else matters as much as the connection that you two share.

14. Experiencing a series of synchronicities, such as seeing the same numbers or symbols repeatedly, hearing same songs… You could even have similar life experiences, and those experiences may start circulating at the exact same time for both, as your Union is getting closer. Such situation is often called “parallel lives”, and may manifest in different ways; for example: going through same difficulties, witnessing same dysfunctional patterns, being triggered by same stuff, going through similar relationships but with different people, experiencing things at the same age (although there might be an age gap between you two), etc.

15. Dreaming of them, also experiencing different levels of astral encounters, including astral love making. You may even remember that you’ve dreamed about them long before you met them in real life.


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash


16. There seem to be an ability to communicate without words, especially when you look each other in the eyes, or to feel what they’re feeling.

17. There seem to be signs of intuitive (psychic) abilities development, such as telepathy. It works for both of you even when you’re not physically together.

18. Everlasting awareness of each other, that only grows stronger through time, and ends up feeling like being “online” most of the time, connected via some special signal (private network, haha). There’s also a sensation of their energy being around even when they’re not physically present.

19. Just when you try to dismiss the thought of your connection being a Twin Flame one, or to even forget about the person – something happens and you’re back on the wild track… Interesting synchronicities are there to catch your attention, and you feel like confirmation is coming from all sides: Angel numbers, repeated numbers, seeing 11:11 frequently, symbols, dreams, messages, person’s name, surname and other stuff associated with them brought up when you least expect it…

20. You realize that there’s a feeling of ultimate peace and belonging, that you’re both at home. It can’t be topped by anything else and you wouldn’t have it any other way.


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash


And… there you have it! 🙂

We really hope that these Twin Flame signs helped a bit. 


If you do feel that you’ve found your special one…

Your Twin Flame…
What’s next?

We’ll make sure to go through the fascinating Twin Flame Journey in more detailsin our future posts!



Did you find some Twin Flame signs missing on our list?

Is there a particular sign that helped you determine the connection?

Feel free to share your experience in the comments below! 🙂


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