Twin Flames…
The Mystery and the Magic of Mirror Souls.
You’ve heard about this wondrous, most powerful soul connection, and now you feel the need to find out more about it.
You may got familiar with the basics already, but now the questions lingering are:
How do one knows if they have a Twin Flame?
Am I a Twin Flame?
There have to be some signs, right?
In the case of a Twin Flame pair, things can get “wild”, even before they get to encounter each other physically, and they don’t even know who their true counterpart is.
Each Twin Flame journey is unique and unfolds according to its own divine timeline, however, different sources have been trying to apply an universal formula to the entire experience, and fix the exact same set of phases for each Twin Flame journey. Such trend usually leaves someone even more confused, after they’ve conducted a research on the topic.
Whether you feel like you could be one or you’re just curious and want to explore the world of spirituality, we’ve prepared the common 23 individual Twin Flame signs, and they are definitely going to distinguish some things for you. 🙂
It’s important to note that not all of them have to apply, or sometimes it happens that they appear and disappear at different points of one’s Twin Flame journey.
So, let’s dive into the signs!
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Signs You Are a Twin Flame
1. Not really fitting in (on this world, the way it is), often feeling like you’re trying to navigate life by making compromises, with many things not fully being up to your natural set of expectations and moral values. It feels like no one is on your wavelength, but your soul is seeking its true match.
2. You might start feeling like a visitor, here on Earth, wondering deeply about the reason you were made the way you are, and about your deeper origins or even potential past lives.
3. Feeling that you are meant to make a significant impact on the world, as if you have some specific spiritual purpose or mission that you can’t quite articulate at first.
4. Having a strong desire to help others in different ways and make a lasting, positive impact on the world.
5. Being naturally inclined towards spirituality, its symbols (e.g. Lotus Flower, Infinity, Yin Yang…) and exploring the unknown. There might be an urge to improve yourself and grow more spiritually, even if you don’t understand why that urge is so intense.
6. Feeling like there is a missing piece to your life that you can’t quite identify.
Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash
7. Sensing that you have a special purpose or destiny that involves another person, but you are unsure of who that person is, and you might not even know what the purpose is at that moment.
8. Having recurring dreams or visions of a specific person, even if you don’t know who they are or can’t see them clearly. Dreams may also feel like realistic love making at times, you feel all those… ahem, fancy feelings upon waking up. That is a sign that your Twin’s soul is trying to communicate with yours on the astral plane of existence.
9. Inner knowing that you are meant to be with someone, like there is a person made just for you, even if it doesn’t make logical sense at that moment.
10. Wishing to find that one special person, and give them all the love that you’ve been carrying in your heart, as it is there for them only. Love that you struggle to find the proper words for, it feels bigger than life.
11. Intense feeling of longing or missing someone even if you have never met them before. We call this one a “fancy-long-lost-relative” feeling and it is often paired with “something big is going to happen but I don’t know what”.
12. Having a “memory” of your Twin Flame, as if you kind of know what your perfect partner looks like and feels like; what’s their personality, occupation, likes/dislikes (also, it may happen that you randomly get drawn to things, activities, places that your Twin Flame has experienced or is thinking about). This bit usually starts as having a “mental glimpse” of your Twin Flame’s silhouette and few physical attributes, then seem to expand over time.
13. Feeling drawn to some other places rather than your birthplace. It may happen that those places are meant to prepare you for your Twin Flame in different ways, or even give you the chance to meet them there, sooner or later.
Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash
14. Feeling a magnetic, unexplainable attraction to someone, although the circumstances are unusual and you wonder if you can justify the intensity of the feeling to yourself. It can be felt through different situations and can leave you completely puzzled.
- For example, you may start feeling intense loving vibes or get aroused, sensing someone’s energy surrounding you, never seeing their face or other physical attributes in any way. Next, it may happen that you’ve seen them somewhere, on the internet for example, being present on some photos or videos, but you’ve never seen them in real life. Also, it may be the case that you’ve actually met them, but don’t know them well or didn’t even get the chance to communicate properly…
15. Having an inexplicable bond with someone you have never met, such as feeling like you can communicate with them telepathically to some extent, and/or feel their emotions.
16. Experiencing intense emotional highs and lows, even energetic purging, when you think about that someone you feel connected/attracted to.
17. You realize you’ve never been fully connected / intimate with someone, as deep as you feel is actually possible. In the case of Twin Flames, heart can’t fully open itself to any person other than your Twin Flame, especially considering that you two, as a pair, are already spiritually married and destined to reunite.
18. Feeling like you are constantly being tested or challenged through life; it may happen that your life often feels like it’s much harder comparing to the lives of the people from your surroundings. You start suspecting that there’s some bigger reason for it all, rather than a bad luck and just a random strike of negative events.
19. Discovering the term Twin Flames accidentally, not being familiar with it at all, even if you possess some spiritual knowledge beforehand. Also, it may happen that one discovers the term and kind of “sits on it” until it’s the right, divine time to actually explore it further.
Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash
20. Seeing Angel Numbers and experiencing unusual yet meaningful synchronicities, that may become funny at some point, considering the number of spotted numbers and synchronicities on some days. It feels like the Universe started to shower you with confirmations that you’re on the right path and that everything’s going to be alright.
21. Increased number of astral love experiences, even while you’re awake. Feeling someone’s loving energy, warming up your body and heart chakra, sending you positive thoughts, messages, music… Sensing them holding you, kissing you, even making love to you beyond the physical… Although it is unusual and might be scary at first, you feel that these experiences are bringing a positive transformation on the soul level and that your relationship with that special someone is growing stronger and stronger.
22. Feeling like you are being guided or led by a higher power, or experiencing a sudden divine intervention in your life, that might lead to unexpected Spiritual Awakening, Kundalini Rising, enormous changes, upgrading your life by all means in the long run (a catalyst for spiritual growth). There’s feeling that you’re a part of something bigger and that you’ve been guided towards your Twin Flame.
23. Your life has been changing in significant ways, such as: ending a relationship, losing a job or switching the career path, moving away, even cutting contact with some friends and family members, because, all of a sudden, people seem to be showing their truest colours and unfortunately it’s not positive at all.
- These changes might feel disastrous looking from the outside, and although they ARE hard for you too, you feel these are actually extremely positive, although maybe you can’t quite explain why, right away. You may also have a strong gut feeling that all is exactly as it should be and it’s taking you further to the path that’s perfectly aligned with your soul.
Photo by Vardan Papikyan on Unsplash
Amazing and intriguing, isn’t it? 🙂
Now, how to confirm if you’ve already met that special person, your Twin Flame?
Check out the following article:
☯ 20 Mutual Twin Flame Signs: How to Recognize a Powerful Spiritual Bond
Did you find some signs missing on our list?
Is there a particular sign that helped you confirm your connection?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below! 🙂
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