We’ve all heard about extraterrestrials, unusual encounter stories, mysterious yet fascinating phenomena… People have always wondered if there are other beings inhabiting what we know as Space.

Starseeds serve as an example that our extraterrestrial neighbors actually do exist – and they are far closer to us than we think. It is magical to say that we share the same planet with them and that they are all around us.

Actually, YOU could be one. ☺

The main question is: What are Starseeds?

In today’s article, we’ll provide an answer to that question, and give you some more information on them.



starseedImage by Artapixel from Pixabay

What Is A Starseed?

Although the term seems complex and hard to understand, it can be easily explained via the following Starseed definition:

Starseed is a highly advanced spiritual being, living in human form on planet Earth but originated from distant planets, solar systems and galaxies, typically far from Earth.

Such persons carry a special type of wisdom (that can date back hundreds of thousands of years), posses high intuition, may display spiritual gifts (posses various psychic abilities). Often, they are able to read minds and others’ emotions (via telepathy) or even foresee events (via dreams, premonitions, short mental glimpses…).


How And Why Did Starseeds Come to Earth?

Besides one wondering whether they are a Starseed or not, there’s another big question:

“Where do they come from?”

There are various star systems stated as a potential cradle of Starseeds. Speaking of that, people often mention numerous types of these miraculous beings. It is said that Starseeds who become aware of their history and origins are mostly from the star systems of Pleiades, Sirus, Orion, Arcturus and Andromeda.

While the origin and types are widely discussed, what is rarely mentioned is Starseeds’ actual reason for inhabiting our planet, or, let’s say, their individual and collective vision and mission. Some may say that that is even more important than the origin question since Starseeds are here, awakening to their mission or fulfilling it already.

True Starseeds are known to be benevolent, always fueled by pure intentions, and are often defined as true physical descendants of aliens who traveled to Earth to be our planet’s lightworkers. They want to serve humanity, raise collective vibration, expand consciousness and help the Ascension process with previously mentioned gifts and wisdom.


What Are Starseeds?Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash


What is a Starseed Awakening?

Although Starseeds’ mission is pre-destined and set-in-stone type of thing, they are often not aware of it until their individual Awakening takes place. Usually being an old soul with several previous lifetimes on Earth, they naturally carry an additional “baggage” and the memories of those previous lives are likely to be completely erased from their consciousness each time they incarnate on Earth. 

Starseed’s Awakening can be instant or gradual and it’s closely tied to one’s divine timeline. What happens is that a person find themselves going through a dark and chaotic period if their life and this period can vary in duration. It can often cause depression, different degrees of chakras blockage and additional disbalance on a physical & hormonal levels. Some say that certain difficulties and obstacles given to a Starseed (and Lightworkers of any kind) are proportional to the complexity of their purpose and mission.

Mentioned period further translates to the Dark Night of the Soul, a spiritual occurrence a person goes through, gaining ability to “rise from the ashes” and awake to their purpose, merging fully with their divine consciousness.


Starseed AwakeningPhoto by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash


How Did Humans Find Out About Starseeds?

Other, spiritually gifted individuals, known as channelers and seers who regularly communicate with other spiritual beings (from different dimensions) and connect with the Akashic records, serve as a main source for important information about Starseeds. More often than not, Starseeds themselves are the ones who naturally comes into possession of such knowledge, when the right time comes. This type of information becomes relatively easy to channel from a higher source, analyze and understand.


How To Know If I Am A Starseed?

People who are Starseeds have always felt that they are somewhat different than others from their environment. It is easy to start feeling isolated or wonder if you are the only one who feels this way.

Although labels are not always welcomed or easily accepted (especially in the spiritual world, where many things are still a mystery), it is only natural for people to feel the urge to know where they stand and give the name to what they’ve experienced (especially since these experiences are so unusual).

We hope that the following article will help you with the final Starseed confirmation:

 Starseed Signs: Awaken to Your Powerful Cosmic Nature


Starseed AwakeningPhoto by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

Important Note

What happens often is that people pretend to be channelers and they try to convey some Starseed information to a person in exchange for money or goods, often igniting the feeling of being special, leaving that person delighted and wanting for more. Our belief is that one shouldn’t be forced to pay for any sort of divine guidance and support. Everything you need to know/confirm about your journey will come to you at the right time, from the rightful sources (including yourself). Be careful out there!


Although the discovery itself can seem fun and exciting, it is all very serious stuff and a great responsibility. What is someone going to do with that discovery? Do they feel like it’s truly in their nature, a cause for some past / future actions and for having a specific attitude towards life or do they want just a cool label attached to themselves?


Turning spiritual stuff into a trend is a frequent occurrence and can shed some extremely negative light on the truth and the authenticity of people’s experiences, and one of the things valued the most in the spiritual world is exactly that – being authentic.


There you have it – an introduction to the wonderful and miraculous world of Starseeds! 🙂

If you are interested to learn more about this topic, we invite you to Subscribe to our blog (below), as we will cover more Starseeds-related subjects in our future posts.


Do you maybe find yourself or someone you know being a Starseed?

What is your opinion on this topic?

Feel free to leave a comment below!


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