You might already have read about some Starseed signs or you’re even fully aware that you’re a Starseed.

However, it’s always interesting to get that additional confirmation or learn more about the topic…

Some of the signs overlap with Old Soul and Lightworker signs; we’ll try to talk more about them on this blog. Some of the signs may appear earlier or later during the journey, or may not appear at all for some starseeds. It’s all individual and can depend on a starseed type as well.

Now, let’s dive in! 🙂


Starseed SignsPhoto by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash


Signs You Are A Starseed


1. Looking back at one’s childhood, there was a specific feeling accompanied by a thought (from time to time) that sounded something like “Why am I in this exact body/why do I posses this type of consciousness?”; it could be further described as if an old soul (that have had some previous lives, whether on this on some other planet/s) kept wondering about the new body/circumstances surrounding it in this life.

2. Feeling of not fitting in, often jokingly referring to an alien. No matter what one does, they still feel different and as if they have to try to fit in in the community, instead of just living the life and going with the flow. It is often accompanied by the feeling of being special, in a positive, non-narcissistic way… It’s just that one can’t exactly pinpoint what it is all about, at a young age. During school time, other kids may feel all this, and Starseeds often end up being bullied for various reasons.

3. The sense of loneliness often accompanies Starseeds during their school and work days. They tend to feel like being more mature than the majority of people they’ve been encountering in their life. That doesn’t mean they’re boring or that having fun is an unknown thing to them – it’s just that they’re possessing a golden-like balance, knowing when it’s the right time to be serious about life and when to rest and let loose. They have a discerning nature when it comes to choosing their companions; they value quality over quantity in friendships. Rather than having a long list of acquaintances, they prefer to cultivate deep connections with a few select individuals, who truly understand and appreciate them.

4. Ever since one became aware of the existence of other planets and celestial bodies, there’s been a feeling of strange familiarity present, as if one has traveled past them/visited them at some point; an unusual wave of nostalgia, home sickness, inner knowledge being activated randomly. All this makes one question about the Space even more, trying to research it through reading, photos and other available sources. Children often look through the content from children books, encyclopedias, cartoons etc., create art and try to start discussions that are all Space-related.

5. There’s a memory of traveling in a spaceship that is usually made of light, feeling safe despite the fact that the location and the destination are unknown at the time. This memory feels kind of misplaced because it feels like it doesn’t belong to the person remembering it vividly. It usually appears after the awakening and helps one remember who they actually are, where they came from and how they came to this planet.

6. Having an incredibly difficult time being separated from the family on any occasion (especially during the childhood years). Children may often cry, feel restless, throw tantrums or become completely quiet, just waiting for that moment to be reunited with their family member/s again.

7. Having no hard time being alone, with own thoughts, enjoying it more and more growing up. Starseeds need a lot of “me time” in general; using it to reflect upon life, meditate, connect to other dimensions and their Higher Self. Also, they’re no strangers to feeling of having the most fun when being alone, no matter what they’re doing. Their creative brain is always up to something. The only unfamiliar thing to them is being bored.

8. Being naturally drawn to the metaphysical, New Age, UFO-related material, news and/or communities. Feeling that there are benevolent extraterrestrials out there; daydreaming of coming into contact with them.

9. Feeling more and more connected to the star family (often more than to an Earthy one). Many Starseeds consider this to be the actual reality, but it often can’t be perceived as such, before an Awakening of some sort takes place. Feeling of not belonging here, on Earth, may increase, as well as occasional slight body detachments and astral traveling. There’s also an insatiable thirst for knowledge and the truth.

10. Feeling that the people one is meeting through life are there more to “teach them some lessons” (usually not directly, but Starseeds draw lessons from the experiences with them instead), rather than being able to stay in their life and truly join them on the journey of love and growth. Starseeds learn to embrace this as a valuable points for accelerated growth, however it all still can be frustrating and hurt a lot at times. It just adds to that “alien” feeling we’ve mentioned previously.


Photo by processingly on Unsplash

11. Feeling as if one knows things or how to do something based on pure instinct and intuition, without any prior knowledge or specific instructions given. Possessing excellent, above the average problem-solving skills.

12. Starseeds are highly-sensitive people; being in crowded places or high-stimulus environments like malls, concerts, clubs, and other events can quickly drain their energy and leave them feeling overwhelmed. It’s as if they absorb the emotions and energies of those around them, like a sponge soaking up water. They may also find that their body and emotions react strongly to some substances, found in things like alcohol and coffee, requiring them to be mindful of their effects (often leading to complete abstinence from such things). They may be sensitive to electronics as well, causing a specific systems or devices to malfunction at a time (this mostly happens during a certain points of Awakening, while the energy and vibrations are settling in and down).

Heightened sensitivity is a gift, although it may sometimes feel like a double-edged sword. Embrace it and honor it, for it offers a unique perspective on the world. Remember to practice self-care, setting boundaries, and finding solace in environments that nourish your soul. You are a beautiful empathic soul, and your sensitivity is a precious part of who you are.

13. There’s a strange sensation that one can feel others’ energy/emotions at times, and even feel when someone lies. One doesn’t have to be close to those people in order to feel it. It can seem unreal and easily dismissed at first, before it gets honed even more naturally and accepted as such. Reading people’s faces and eyes skill becomes more prominent as the time goes by.

14. Starseed’s heart is deeply attuned to the world around them, so one can’t help but feel a profound sadness when they witness: the damage inflicted upon our planet, cases of poverty and other extreme living conditions, people needing any other help, the way the economy and the system are constructed to not benefit the people, but for the people to work for them instead, greediness and corruption, the way that today’s media works (in general)…
It weighs on their soul, since they possess a natural empathy and a genuine concern for the well-being of others and the nature in general. The injustices and imbalances of the world can feel overwhelming at times, leaving one deeply disappointed and with a burning desire for change.

15. That further leads to the conclusion that Starseeds generally believe in karma. They’re clearing the existing one, not creating any more of it, closing all toxic streams and cycles. However, since they’re a bearer of a huge light, it often happens that they clash with others’ negative energies and reckless behaviour. The principle stays the same: “Treat others the way you want to be treated. What goes around comes around.” Of course, if someone crosses the line, Starseeds are experts in cutting the ties in the most diplomatic way. They strongly dislike drama and always try to expell it from their lives as much as possible.

16. Within each Starseed being resides a deep-rooted belief that wars and violence in general are not the answer to resolving any type of conflict.
Starseeds’ Advocate-of-Peace perspective is one that yearns for a world where disputes can be resolved through peaceful means, where empathy and understanding triumph over aggression. The idea of war and its devastating consequences weighs heavily on Starseed’s heart, as they aspire to contribute to the creation of a more harmonious and compassionate society.

17. Ironically, Starseeds may often find themselves in the middle of such devastating occurrences, such as tragedies, wars, and other unfortunate events, that build an impression that Starseeds go through much more tragedy and heaviness in life compared to the other people. They do end up using it all as a fuel for building their future bright and helping others in need.

18. Undeniable feeling that there’s something more to be achieved, that there’s something much bigger than one’s reality and than what meets the eye – sort of like a special mission that one has in this lifetime.
It usually can’t be pinpointed before the Starseed Awakening takes place. Once one becomes aware of the mission (something that will allow making a significant contribution towards humankind’s evolution), they know that the mysterious feeling was justified and there’s more peace on all levels.

19. There’s been a lot of synchronicities, especially the ones regarding Starseed’s mission/goals. There’s a lucky strike that often appears as a chain of serendipitous events, spreading through one’s life. However, sometimes these events can leave a person completely confused and they often make sense only after a certain point of life (usually after the complete awakening) – when one gets a chance to look back at everything and analyze it with a “pair of new eyes”.

  • There’s that A-Ha! moment and everything seems as it has fallen into place just the way it is supposed to be. That’s also the reason why people often refer to it as a pre-made soul contract – a lifepath our soul has chosen right before we incarnated on this plane (on Earth).

20. Ever since childhood, a person can feel someone being present near them, especially when they’re alone. Children often end up having “imaginary friends” at the time, and it comforts them in many situations; only to discover that those friends and energies weren’t completely imaginary (as they grow older). More often than not, some of those energies belong to person’s Spirit Guides and other non-physical entities.


Photo by brandon siu on Unsplash

21. Strong desire to visit other countries/continents, explore various places… sometimes, that exploration has a new place to call home as a result. Different types of Starseeds find their birthplace not matching their dream destination for living, and are naturally drawn to finding that piece of land that feels like heaven on Earth. We have e.g. Mintakan Starseeds liking everything water-related and often living near bodies of water.

22. Starseeds possess an unique and expansive mind, that yearns for knowledge and seeks to understand the mysteries of the Universe; therefore, their extraordinary intelligence often doesn’t align with traditional measures of success, such as good grades in school.

The structured and rigid education system of Earth may not resonate with the way Starseed’s mind naturally processes information and seeks out learning experiences. The mundane subjects and limited perspectives can stifle their thirst for knowledge and exploration.

23. Being spiritual and not believing in any religious system (usually at all). Starseeds often have their special outlook on this topic and the entire Universe in general, possessing inner knowledge that came to them in waves, nurturing their individual Truth, completely naturally.

24. Having a specific taste in food, music, movies etc. that seems completely different from the “mainstream” one and doesn’t follow any cultural norm or any other standard. You are often drawn to songs (and art in general) that contain some metaphors, symbols, deeper meaning, comparing to what’s usually served for “mass consumption”.

25. Specific taste in food might develop into a specific, intuition-driven diet; one may even feel a direct energetic reaction when thinking about certain food or while tasting it. It’s even possible to “develop” new allergies or dislikes, such as gluten, dairy intolerance (at a lower or higher level), not wanting to eat things containing meat… These are actually the results of your body getting fully attuned to its natural preferences and needs.

26. Strong temptation to do what they deeply feel is right, ignore some rules and standards created by the system and the society; a soul call to create their own path, regarding their job, hobbies, entire lifestyle… it can go as deep as living completely off-grid and inspiring others to try it out.

27. When it comes to the approach to health and well-being, Starseeds have a distinct perspective – one that diverges from the conventional reliance on pharmaceutical solutions. They tend to display a deep skepticism towards the global pharmaceutical industry, and their reliance on synthetic medications that often comes with unpleasant side effects.

Starseeds are drawn to a more holistic and natural approach to healing. They recognize the profound wisdom and healing potential of nature’s gifts, turning to things like herbs, reiki, acupuncture, and more. These methods resonate with them because they address the root causes of imbalances, going beyond mere symptom suppression.

28. Having realistic (vivid) dreams that often feel like they are everything but a regular dream. Those dreams appear randomly or they can appear grouped and a person may experience a series of those extending to a few consecutive days. They often contain very powerful messages or signs, even some warnings and elements that become clear later; many Starseeds keep a special dream journal for this very reason – it can help them decode some dreams, situations, point them further in life and help them reflect and re-balance.

29. Having dreams where one’s flying or moving around easily by not walking but kind of floating instead. Waking up feeling strange because it feels totally possible, yet it’s like a physical 3D body is putting limitations to it. It can be tied to the fact that some Starseed types DO fly or float before they get incarnated on Earth. Also, sometimes our astral bodies go on a little adventure while we sleep, which may cause similar dreams.

30. Starseeds find themselves on a transformative journey: a full Spiritual Awakening (which further translates to the Starseed Awakening), that has the power to change the life in irreversible but profound ways. It’s a process of inner growth, self-discovery, and expanded consciousness. It does have additional face to itself, and it is the Dark Night of the Soul, which Starseeds get to experience at least once on their journey.


Photo by Clarisse Meyer on Unsplash

31. Feeling completely natural while being in a meditative state, receiving spiritual downloads (energetic updates, chunks of knowledge and wisdom), but having difficulties starting/continuing with some real life to-dos for that particular day (this happens more often at the beginning of the Spiritual Awakening);

32. With the expanse of the inner Universe comes the further expansion of the entire skillset, that often feels like too rich for one body; meaning that the person possessing those skills is often living with an impression that not everything they’re capable of is possible to be realized through the single lifetime. It is a double-edged sword situation – although it appears as amazing, possessing all those skills can make a person feel overwhelmed at times and indecisive about their life choices, career etc.

Starseeds often need to go through some deeper introspective comparing to other individuals and then reflect upon themselves regularly; aligning with their Higher Self and their ultimate mission. That way, they can utilize those skills that favour them the most, avoid burning out, maintain the highest vibration, inner peace and clarity.

33. Feeling as if the God, Spiritual Guides and other beings are watching over you… protecting you, while guiding you through the life. This feeling only intensifies at the time of great challenges, whether they are a positive or negative ones.

34. The appearance of various psychic abilities / the existing ones getting sharper.

35. You often wonder about other people of “your kind”… Where they are, what they’re on about… You daydream of meeting them at some point, but kind of letting the flow and the fate do their own thing.



Did we just come to the end of this article?

Thank you so much for reading, we hope you’ve enjoyed it.

If you are interested to learn more about Starseeds, we invite you to Subscribe to our blog (below), as we will cover more subjects in our future posts.


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Did you resonate with some of the signs?

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