Got some butterflies in your stomach recently, but not sure why?

There might be a chance they are the spiritual ones!

Intuition often gets manifested as a gut feeling, accompanied with various physical sensations.

The paradox lays in the fact that, as much as the intuition reaches to the deepest corners of our existence, and reflects the innermost knowledge and truth, our logic and consciousness are always questioning it to the fullest.

But, hey – that’s fine!

It just might be that our intuition is not honed yet, to a degree where we can actually utilize it to our advantage.

Also, it can only be helpful to think things through (both via our intuition and logic), especially when they are a super important ones.

We jokingly say that although the intuition has “tuition” in it, you actually don’t need one in order to acquire and develop this precious ability/skill.

School of life has some outstanding programs, for all the students willing to learn. 😉

It’s important that we take it all in step by step, trust the process, and enjoy the journey!


Introduction to Intuition and its 7 ClairsPhoto by Edz Norton on Unsplash


Definition of Intuition

Intuition presents the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning; often described as a feeling or hunch that guides our actions and decisions, even when we can’t explain why. 

Intuition is considered as a powerful tool that we all possess, yet many of us are unsure of how to access it and utilize it to its fullest potential. It is believed that it can be developed and honed via different techniques, through further practice and self-awareness.

Often referred to as the “sixth sense”, in reality, it actually presents a group of clairs, or intuitive gifts abilities, that people can possess.

There’s one more fancy name – these abilities are often referred to as forms of extrasensory perception or ESP.

Extrasensory perception (ESP), also known as psychic perception, refers to the ability to acquire information or perceive phenomena through means beyond the ordinary five physical senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch). In other words, it presents the ability to gather information or sense events using intuitive or paranormal means.

Besides Intuition, ESP includes various other psychic abilities, such as: Empathy, Telepathy, Mediumship, Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Psychokinesis and more.

We jokingly refer to Intuition as to the second set of senses, just a heightened, mysterious one.


In this post, we will introduce you to ALL 7 clairs (gifts) of Intuition. 🙂


7 Clairs (Gifts) of Intuition - Flamesverse BlogPicture by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay


7 Clairs of Intuition

Four, most mentioned gifts of intuition are:
Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentence and/or Claircognizance.

Additional, less mentioned abilities are:
Clairalience, Clairgustance and Clairtangency.


Clairvoyance (ability to see)

Clairvoyance is the ability to see things that are not visible to the naked eye, sometimes coming from beyond the physical realm. It is often referred to as “clear seeing”.

This gift can manifest as different visions, images, or symbols or having an inner knowing about a situation or some person. People who possess clairvoyant abilities may also see auras, spirits, or other forms of energy that are not visible to others. They may also receive insights from the past, present, or future, making this gift an incredibly valuable tool for decision-making and problem-solving.


Clairaudience (ability to hear)

Clairaudience is the ability to hear things that are not audible to others, sometimes coming from beyond the physical realm. It is often referred to as “clear hearing”.

This gift can manifest as hearing: voices, music or simpler sounds and tones, but also messages that don’t have a sound to them but can be felt instead. There are some cases where it provides a clearer insight about a specific person on/or remote physical location, especially when paired with some aspects of Clairvoyance. Clairaudients can also receive guidance from spirit guides, angels, or other beings, sometimes containing warnings or insights about future events.


Clairsentience (ability to sense feelings)

Clairsentience is the ability to sense the energy, feelings, emotions, or physical sensations of others without any physical or verbal communication. It is often referred to as “clear feeling” or empathic ability (being empathetic, being an empath). Another term that is associated with this gift is “sensing the energy of the room”.

People with clairsentience may experience this ability in different ways and with different intensity. It can manifest as physical sensations (e.g. goosebumps or chills), emotional sensations (e.g. sudden feeling of sadness or joy), or gut feelings. Clairsentients can also tune deeper into the energy of others and sense things that are completely hidden, that no one wants to bring up. Some Clairsentients may suddenly feel overwhelmed or emotionally impacted by a place or a person, while others may experience a more subtle switch of emotional energy in their body. 

This gift can be used for various purposes, such as gaining insight into a person’s emotional state, understanding the emotions and intentions of others and for making further decisions based on it. It can also be used for healing, as Clairsentients may be able to sense and help alleviate the emotional or physical pain of other people.


ClairvoyancePhoto by Marina Vitale on Unsplash


Claircognizance (ability to know)

Claircognizance is the ability to know things without having any evidence or proof (without any logical explanation). It is often referred to as “clear knowing”.

This gift can manifest as sudden insights, realization or a deep sense of conviction about a decision or situation. Claircognizants can also receive information from a higher source or the collective consciousness. 

Claircognizance can be used for various purposes, such as gaining insight into a person’s emotions or intentions without any verbal communication, or understanding some situation without any prior knowledge or context. This gift can be a valuable tool for drawing conclusions and making final decisions, however, it is not advised to rely upon it as the sole source of information.


Clairalience (ability to smell)

Clairalience is the ability to smell scents or odors that are not present in the physical environment. It is often referred to as “clear smelling” or Clairscent.

This gift can manifest as sensing a specific scent that can end up providing guidance or insight (e.g. perfume, flowers, smoke etc.). Those scents are mostly associated with a specific person, situation, emotions or even some memories.

Clairalient people may experience scent sensations in different ways. Some may suddenly smell a strong or distinct odor, while others may experience a more subtle or fleeting scent. This gift is often utilized for connecting with spirit guides and receiving specific messages, sometimes even from person’s loved ones who have passed on.


Clairgustance (ability to taste)

Clairgustance is the ability to taste flavors or substances without actually consuming them physically, but using intuitive senses instead. It is often referred to as “clear tasting” or Psychogustation.

Clairgustant people may experience taste sensations in different ways. Some may experience a sudden, distinct taste in their mouth, while others may experience a more subtle or fleeting sensation. The tastes perceived through clairgustance can be associated with specific people, emotions, or events.


Clairtangency (ability to touch)

Clairtangency is the ability to gain information about an object or a person by touching it or holding it. It is often referred to as ”clear touching” or Psychometry.

When a Clairtangent person touches something, they may receive impressions in the form of physical sensations, emotions, or mental images. For example: they may feel a cold or warm sensation, see flashes of images or colors, or experience intense emotions associated with the object or person.

This ability is based on the belief that all objects and people carry an energetic imprint or vibration that can be perceived and interpreted by those with a heightened sense of intuition.


Clairtangency or PsychometryPhoto by Jackson David on Unsplash



The process of unlocking your Intuition is a challenging but worthwhile one. It may appear as more intense and tiring in the case it started happening to you naturally and you seem to not be able to control its pace to any extent.

What happens often is that all the abilities mentioned in this article get unlocked, interconnected, and continue working simultaneously. However, each of these gifts offers an unique perspective and can be used individually to enhance one’s life and decision-making abilities.

While intuition is amazing and can guide us in remarkable ways, it is not advised to rely upon these abilities as the sole source of information for making final decisions. Think of it as a valuable compass, but not the entire map.

Just like a skilled sailor navigates through rough seas, use your intuitive compass to steer yourself in the right direction. Combine your psychic abilities with rational thinking and practical considerations, in order to create a powerful synergy that enhances your decision-making process.

So, embrace the journey of unlocking your intuition, explore the vast realms of psychic abilities, and use them wisely to navigate through life’s twists and turns. With each step you take, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

If you are interested to learn more about Intuition or other psychic abilities, we invite you to Subscribe to our blog (below), as we will cover more subjects in our future posts.


What are your experiences and opinion on Intuition topic?

Did you find yourself having some of the abilities mentioned in this article?

Feel free to leave a comment below!


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