Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world that knows nothing but love, light and bliss?

To leave behind all the troubles and limitations of the life we know, fulfilling that potential you know exists?

Well, you’re not alone.

Many people throughout history and across cultures have shared this dream, and have developed various beliefs and practices to bring it to a reality.

What is Ascension?

Ascension is a term that refers to the spiritual and physical transformation of a person or a group of people into a higher state of consciousness and existence.

The concept of Ascension has been around for centuries and is often associated with various religious and spiritual traditions, such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and New Age.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the origins and meanings of Ascension in these different traditions.

Let’s start! 🙂

Ascension in Christianity

The Ascension of Jesus Christ is a pivotal event in Christian theology, representing his return to heaven following his resurrection from the dead. According to Christian tradition, Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after his resurrection, in the presence of his disciples and other witnesses.

The account of the Ascension can be found in the New Testament of the Bible, in the book of Acts. According to the Bible, Jesus appeared to his disciples several times after his resurrection, instructing them to preach the gospel and baptize in his name. He then led them to the Mount of Olives, where he blessed them and was lifted up into heaven, disappearing from their sight. Two angels appeared and told the disciples that Jesus would come back in the same way as they saw him go into heaven.

Throughout history, the Ascension has been interpreted and understood in different ways by various Christian denominations. For some, it is a physical event, where Jesus was bodily lifted up into heaven. For others, it is a symbolic or spiritual event, representing the more subtle transition from earthly life to the afterlife.

Picture by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

This event is primarily seen as a sign of Jesus’ divine nature and victory over death. It demonstrates his fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation and marks the end of his earthly ministry, as he returns to his heavenly throne to rule with God.

The Ascension has also been celebrated in various ways by Christians worldwide. In some traditions, it is commemorated with special church services, hymns, and prayers, while in others, it is marked by the release of doves or the ringing of church bells. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Ascension is known as “The Feast of the Holy Ascension,” and it is a significant holiday that honors the event with special rituals and liturgical readings.

Regardless of the interpretation, the Ascension remains a powerful symbol of hope and faith for Christians today. It serves as a reminder of Jesus’ promise to return and establish his kingdom on Earth, and of the ultimate victory of good over evil. It encourages believers to have hope and trust in God’s plan for their lives, even through most difficult times. It also encourages them to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, sharing the gospel and carrying out his work.


Ascension in Islam

The concept of Ascension in Islam is related to the idea of Mi’raj or Isra’, which is the miraculous night journey and Ascension of Prophet Muhammad. According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad was taken by the angel Gabriel from Mecca to Jerusalem, where he prayed at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and met with other prophets such as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Then he was taken up through the seven heavens, where he encountered various angels and heavenly beings. He reached the presence of God, who gave him the commandment of the five daily prayers (salat) and other revelations. Some Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven with his body and soul, while others believe that only his soul did so.

The Mi’raj is considered one of the most important events in Islamic history. It shows the special status and honor of Muhammad as the final messenger of God and the seal of the prophets. Furthermore, it demonstrates the power and mercy of God, who can transport his servant from one place to another in an instant. The Mi’raj serves as an inspiration for Muslims to follow Muhammad’s example of devotion, obedience, and humility. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of Jerusalem and the Masjid al-Aqsa as holy places for Muslims.

In Islam, there is no concept of Spiritual Awakening or Ascension in the same manner as seen in other religions or mystical traditions. Instead, spiritual growth and closeness to God are attained by adhering to His guidance and worshipping Him according to the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. Islam emphasizes the importance of leading a righteous life, engaging in acts of worship, and seeking knowledge to deepen one’s connection with the divine.


Ascension in Hinduism and Buddhism

In Hinduism and Buddhism, the concept of Ascension is closely tied to the attainment of Moksha or Nirvana, which is viewed as the ultimate goal of spiritual practice. These terms refer to a state of liberation from the cycle of birth and death and are achieved by transcending worldly suffering and achieving enlightenment. Overall, the concept of Ascension in Hinduism and Buddhism represents the pursuit of ultimate spiritual liberation, achieved through the cultivation of wisdom, compassion, and the elimination of ignorance and attachment. It is a lifelong journey that requires significant dedication, but one that ultimately leads to the attainment of a state of supreme peace and enlightenment.

To attain Moksha or Nirvana, an individual must cultivate wisdom and compassion while gradually eliminating ignorance, desire, and attachment. This involves practicing meditation, self-reflection, and following ethical and moral principles, among other things. This path is a very challenging one, requiring considerable dedication, discipline, and spiritual growth. It involves shedding negative thoughts and emotions, cultivating positive ones, and developing a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.

Picture by Holedulidu on Pixabay

In Hinduism, the concept of Moksha is closely related to the idea of Atman, which represents the individual soul, and Brahman, which represents the ultimate reality or the divine. The goal of spiritual practice is to realize the unity of Atman and Brahman and achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Similarly, in Buddhism, the concept of Nirvana represents the ultimate state of enlightenment and freedom from suffering. The path to Nirvana involves the practice of the Eightfold Path, which includes right understanding, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration.

The attainment of Moksha in Hinduism or Nirvana in Buddhism is considered as the ultimate goal of spiritual practice, and it is a transformative experience that affects the entire being of an individual. It is seen as a state of ultimate freedom and liberation from the cycle of birth and death, where one is no longer subject to the suffering and limitations of the physical world.

In this state of liberation, the individual experiences profound peace, joy, and inner harmony, and is said to be in union with the divine. The experience of Moksha or Nirvana is often described as a state of consciousness that transcends the limits of the physical body and mind, where one becomes aware of the ultimate reality and the interconnectedness of all things. It is considered the ultimate fulfillment of human existence and the highest expression of spiritual evolution.


Ascension in Judaism

The concept of ascension in Judaism is related to the idea of merkavah mysticism, which is a form of Jewish meditation that involves ascending through various levels of heaven to reach the throne of God. Merkavah mysticism is based on the visions of Ezekiel and other prophets in the Hebrew Bible, who saw God’s chariot (merkavah) surrounded by angels and other heavenly beings. Merkavah mystics sought to experience these visions for themselves, using techniques such as chanting, breathing, and visualizing.

Merkavah mysticism was practiced by some Jewish groups from the second century BCE to the tenth century CE, especially during times of persecution and exile. It was considered a dangerous and secretive practice, reserved for only a few elite and pious individuals who had undergone rigorous preparation and purification. The goal of merkavah mysticism was to attain a direct knowledge of God and his mysteries, as well as to receive divine guidance and protection.


Ascension in New Age (Spirituality)

In recent times, the concept of Ascension has also been used in New Age and spiritual communities.

According to those beliefs, we are living in a time of great change and opportunity, as we are moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius (entering the new era or Age of Enlightenment).

Some New Age practitioners believe that this shift is already underway, and that we are in the midst of a process of Collective Ascension that affects all life on Earth. This is a time when humanity can ascend to a higher level of consciousness and existence, by aligning ourselves with the cosmic energies and vibrations that are affecting our planet.


Picture by JanBaby on Pixabay

People are called to be co-creators of a new world that is based on love, peace, harmony, and unity. They are also encouraged to be aware of and prepare for various events or phenomena that may occur during this transition period, such as: pole shifts, solar flares, extraterrestrial contact, etc.

New Age Ascension involves various practices and techniques that aim to raise our frequency and activate our dormant potential. Some common practices are: meditation, yoga, chakra balancing, crystal healing, energy work, channeling, astrology, numerology, etc. These practices help us to clear our karma, heal our wounds, awaken our gifts, and connect with our higher self and our guides.



Despite the differences in how Ascension is understood and celebrated across different traditions, the common thread is the quest for spiritual enlightenment and the transcendence of one’s current state of being.

Additionally, the diversity of views on Ascension across various spiritual and religious traditions reminds us of the importance of respecting and valuing different beliefs and practices. By embracing and learning from these diverse perspectives, we can expand our own spiritual horizons and deepen our connection to the divine.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of the modern world, the concept of Ascension offers us a timeless reminder of our potential to transcend the limitations of our physical existence and experience a higher level of spiritual awareness and fulfillment.

Ascension gives hope for a better future, in all aspects.


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