About Us

– FAQ –

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you? / Why is there no info about your identity?

We are a Twin Flame couple, living in a harmonious Union. Our opinion is that the Earthy, 3D identity is not as important as one’s true intentions and the mark that a person is leaving in this world. It is somehow easier for us to connect with all souls, and do what we feel is a part of our mission, when we simply discard the facade (physical) aspect of ourselves as a couple and as lightworkers.

What made you start this blog and community? What is the purpose?

That’s a good question!
The answer requires a bit of a backstory, though.

Long before both of us even knew about Twin Flame connection, some aspects of Spirituality and were able to reach Harmonious Union later, we were experiencing many unusual things that we didn’t have a name for, and were in a constant search for answers. Our thirst for  knowledge, insatiable as it is, joined with an invisible force, pushed us to learn more about Spirituality – yet we weren’t able to find the specific answers we were looking for…

As our individual Spiritual Awakenings took place and Twin Flame journey progressed according to its Divine Timeline, some answers came to us naturally, however, a big part was still a mystery, intertwined with doubt, pain and bits of despair at some points.

Through all the research on the internet, our life experiences, closing karmic and life circles, doing some introspecting and reflection… there was often that moment of “Ah! If only someone told me this sooner!“.

Then, an intriguing thought has appeared…

What if we can become that someone who’s providing others with what they need to know? Or, depending on a situation and the topic, at least spark the curiosity and inspire them to research further?

Passionate and stubborn as we are, we knew that there’s no compromise when it comes to helping others, making positive changes in our environment, leaving this world at least a bit better place, since our early days. It was only a matter of time and circumstances, before we were able to develop a plan on how to bring our work to a bigger scale and try to act globally.

Moving forward, everything got even more crystalized to us, we combined all our skills and knowledge, and were set to start a new, online journey together.


There’s been one thing on our mind:
Fight for what you believe in.

We believe in following our call, fulfilling our mission by creating something that can only help others to: find answers, learn more, feel better and supported, and even lead them to fulfilling their own mission. We’re dedicated to spreading nothing but lots of love and light along the way.

This website is a first part of that creation: an online, written version of our thoughts, ideas, discussions, discoveries… all of them being translated into various blog posts, comments, quotes (and fun stuff!), that you’ll find here now and in the future. Blog posts will be covering numerous subjects within Spirituality, Astrology (no readings!), Mythology, Psychology and more.

Secondly, we’ve already met so many beautiful souls, lightworkers, soulmates, twin flames… and we believe in creating a safe and inspiring community for everyone to enjoy.


Now, besides all kinds of challenges we’ve had to endure, we’ve managed to come to the point where our “planted seed” has seen the light of the day…

…and the result of all that hard work and patience is right in front of you…

Welcome to Flamesverse.

Hope you’ll enjoy it! 🙂

How can I get notified about your new blog posts?

Feel free to Subscribe to our newsletter below.
You’ll receive updates about our new blog posts, directly in your email inbox.
P.S. Keep an eye on our social media, too! 😉

How can I join your community?

There are multiple (online) ways to do so, and it is actually very simple! What’s the most important is that you join with your heart and soul, bringing pure intentions and good vibes towards other members.

Available platforms are listed below:

Personal statement & mission

We simply don’t like the nature of some sources and websites where people generally ask you for money in order to help you or exchange information.

Our personal belief is that one shouldn’t be forced to pay for a divine guidance and support.

Our mission is to provide as much free high quality content, info and help as possible.


Note: There is absolutely no intention to insult anyone or their way of doing things, we are just expressing our opinion.

Money... why it has to exist at all?

There is a saying: ”Time is money”.

We think that the time is the most valuable currency on its own.

Are we millionaires?

Absolutely not.

Can we inspire millions of people?

We’d LOVE that. (and we hope so!)

Although every single thing on our website is free, in the case you want to support our work and efforts in a more concrete (Earthy) way, you can…

…buy us a tea 🙂 or you can make a standard PayPal donation (buttons on the right)

Thank you!

Flamesverse Donations

PayPal donation

Note: All donations & support are beyond appreciated!
They help us reach our dream of being independent and being able to dedicate all of our time to fulfilling our mission, by serving this community in the best way possible.

Although every single thing on our website is free, in the case you want to support our work and efforts in a more concrete (Earthy) way, you can…

…buy us a tea 🙂
or you can make a standard PayPal donation
(buttons are below)

Note: All donations & support are beyond appreciated!
They help us reach our dream of being independent and being able to dedicate all of our time to fulfilling our mission, by serving this community in the best way possible.

Thank you!

Flamesverse Donations

PayPal donation

All Rights Reserved | Copyright © 2023-2025 Flamesverse

All Rights Reserved | Copyright © 2023-2025 Flamesverse