As you may already know, an aura is an invisible field of energy that surrounds a person’s physical body. Each color in an aura is linked to one of our body’s chakras, which are spinning wheels of energy within us. These colors can provide insight into a person’s emotional, physical, and spiritual state.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the fascinating world of aura colors, their meaning, and the impact they have on our lives.

We’ll delve into the primary aura colors, their shades, and even touch upon the extraordinary, super rare rainbow aura and crystal or clear aura.

Let’s start! 🙂

Aura Colors

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay


Primary Aura Colors List


The primary twelve (12) colors related to aura readings are:
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, pink, silver, brown, black, and white.

First seven (7) colors are chakra colors and they are associated with the body:

1. Red – Root or Base Chakra
2. Orange – Sacral Chakra
3. Yellow – Solar Plexus Chakra
4. Green – Heart Chakra
5. Blue – Throat Chakra
6. Indigo – Third Eye Chakra
7. Purple – Crown Chakra


Primary Aura Colors Meaning



Red aura is associated with intense emotion, passion, sexual desire. Red is the colour of the Root (Base) Chakra, related to a connection with Earth, the physical body, and the material world.

People with such aura are known to be:

  • Grounded and balanced, both emotionally and physically;
  • Strong-willed, straightforward, and hard-working;
  • Goal-oriented and determined;
  • Lovers of material wealth and its benefits;
  • Fearless, realistic, active, and sometimes impulsive.



Orange aura is associated with creativity, relationships, and experience. Orange is the color of the Sacral Chakra, symbolizing emotions influenced by relationships.

People with an orange aura are known to be:

  • Energetic, motivated, and competitive;
  • Creative and brave;
  • Ready to face any challenge life might throw at them;
  • Sociable and able to form strong relationships, thriving on those;
  • Orange aura is often seen in athletes.



Yellow aura is associated with playfulness, optimism, and inner happiness. Yellow is the color of the Solar Plexus chakra, representing inner balance and peace.

People with a yellow aura are known to be:

  • Well-balanced and emitting positive energy;
  • Laid-back and friendly;
  • Possessing high self-esteem;
  • Conflict-avoidant and mood-lightening;
  • Capable of deep conversations and intellectual endeavors.



Green aura is associated with manifestation, innovation, and healing. Green is the color of the Heart Chakra, emphasizing healing and growth vibrations.

People with a green aura are known to be:

  • Social and possessing great communication skills;
  • Trustworthy and kind-hearted;
  • Growth-oriented and focused on self-love;
  • Natural healers, attracting those in need of healing;
  • Exceptional organizers with a tendency towards perfectionism.



Blue aura is associated with freedom, communication, and calmness. Blue is the color of the Throat Chakra, highlighting self-expression and freedom of communication.

People with a blue aura are known to be:

  • Strong yet calm;
  • Caring and nurturing;
  • Protective of loved ones;
  • Natural meditators and intuitively gifted;
  • Potentially psychic (especially with strong blue).



Indigo aura is associated with imagination, compassion, and introverted feeling. Indigo is the color of the Third Eye Chakra, indicating an ability to read energies and see through deceit.

People with an indigo aura are known to be:

  • Gentle, curious, and spontaneous;
  • Empathetic with strong imagination;
  • Creative visionaries;
  • In tune with their Higher Self;
  • Drawn to spiritual exploration and raising collective consciousness.


Image by Moondance from Pixabay



Purple aura is associated with sensitivity, sensuality, and spirituality. Purple is the color of the Crown Chakra, associated with the pineal gland, nervous system, and sixth sense.

People with a purple aura are known to be:

  • Compassionate and highly intuitive;
  • Possessing various mental and psychic gifts;
  • Able to see the bigger picture in situations;
  • Guides for others in fulfilling their potential;
  • Artistic and creative.



Pink aura is associated with selflessness, kindness, and care. Pink is tied to the Heart Chakra, representing openness and emotional depth.

People with a pink aura are known to be:

  • Highly sensitive and romantic;
  • Gentle and giving;
  • Open-hearted and deeply feeling;
  • In need of occasional solitude for recharging;
  • Stronger than their sensitivity might suggest.



Silver aura is associated with talents, gifts, and abundance.

People with a silver aura often:

  • Possess multiple talents and psychic abilities;
  • Need time to discover how to best utilize their gifts;
  • Have a strong connection to the spiritual realm;
  • Are intuitive and insightful;
  • May struggle with balancing their many abilities.



Brown aura is associated with groundedness, practicality, and connection to nature.

People with a brown aura often:

  • Are down-to-earth and realistic;
  • Have a strong work ethic;
  • Are reliable and dependable;
  • Have a deep connection to the physical world;
  • May struggle with change or new ideas.



Black aura is often misunderstood and can indicate:

  • A need for healing or protection;
  • Unresolved emotional or physical issues;
  • Absorption of negative energies;
  • A transitional phase in life;
  • Potential for transformation and growth.



White aura is associated with purity, truth, and spiritual enlightenment.

People with a white aura often:

  • Are highly spiritual or enlightened beings;
  • Possess a sense of peace and clarity;
  • Have a strong connection to higher realms;
  • Are truth-seekers and truth-tellers;
  • May be seen as teachers or guides by others.


Image by Frank Herter from Pixabay


Shades of Aura Colors and Their Meaning

Different shades of aura colors can provide more nuanced insights into a person’s energy. We’ve managed to analyze and compile some more details on them. Here they are:

Red Shades

  • Bright red: Strong passion, vitality, energy, courage; potentially anger or impulsiveness.
  • Dark red: Strength, determination, willpower, survival; possibly stress or anxiety.
  • Orange-red: Confidence, creativity, enthusiasm, adventure; potentially impulsiveness or instability.

Orange Shades

  • Pale orange: Joy, optimism, happiness, harmony; possibly lack of energy or confidence.
  • Bright orange: Health, vitality, warmth, sociability; potentially pride or manipulation.
  • Dark orange: Ambition, drive, determination, achievement; possibly obsession or imbalance.

Yellow Shades

  • Yellow-orange: Intelligence, curiosity, learning, communication; potentially nervousness or worry.
  • Pale yellow: Wisdom, clarity, intuition, insight; possibly lack of confidence or direction.
  • Bright yellow: Optimism, joy, enthusiasm, confidence; potentially ego or stubbornness.
  • Dark yellow: Analytical, logical, rational thinking; possibly cynicism or negativity.
  • Green-yellow: Creativity, innovation, originality, vision; potentially jealousy or resentment.

Green Shades

  • Pale green: Healing, growth, renewal, balance; possibly lack of experience or stability.
  • Bright green: Love, compassion, empathy, harmony; potentially codependency or insecurity.
  • Dark green: Stability, reliability, responsibility, security; possibly greed or materialism.
  • Blue-green: Expression, communication, honesty, authenticity; potentially aloofness or isolation.

Blue Shades

  • Pale blue: Peace, calm, tranquility, serenity; possibly lack of emotion or expression.
  • Bright blue: Trust, loyalty, faith, devotion; potentially dogmatism or intolerance.
  • Dark blue: Authority, power, leadership, professionalism; potentially coldness or domination.

Purple and Pink Shades

  • Lavender: Imagination, creativity, sensitivity, gentleness; potentially fragility or vulnerability.
  • Magenta: Charisma, charm, magnetism; potentially eccentricity or nonconformity.

Metallic Shades

  • Gold: Wisdom, enlightenment, abundance, prosperity; potentially egotism or materialism.


Image by dlsd cgl from Pixabay


The Rainbow Aura

A rainbow aura is an extraordinary and rare phenomenon where multiple colors appear simultaneously in a person’s aura.

This multicolored aura is often associated with:

  • Spiritual enlightenment and awakening;
  • Harmony and balance across all chakras;
  • High vibrational energy and healing abilities;
  • A period of significant personal growth and transformation;
  • Connection to higher realms and universal consciousness.

Individuals with a rainbow aura are often seen as highly evolved souls who have achieved a state of balance and integration across various aspects of their being. They may possess a unique ability to understand and empathize with others on multiple levels.


The Crystal or Clear Aura

Crystal or Clear Aura is often considered a rare and refined variation of the White Aura.

This aura type is associated with:

  • Highest level of spiritual enlightenment;
  • Perfect clarity of thought and intention;
  • Exceptional purity of energy;
  • Strong connection to higher dimensions;
  • Profound healing and transformative abilities.

People with a Crystal or Clear Aura are often described as:

  • Highly evolved souls;
  • Spiritual teachers or guides;
  • Individuals with a profound impact on their surroundings;
  • Bridges between the physical and spiritual realms.


Relation to the White Aura

While White and Crystal/Clear Auras share many qualities, they are sometimes distinguished as follows:

  • White Aura: Associated with purity, truth, and spiritual awakening. It’s one of the primary aura colors and more commonly encountered than Crystal/Clear.
  • Crystal/Clear Aura: Considered a more refined or evolved state of White Aura. It’s often described as more transparent or reflective, indicating an even higher level of spiritual attainment.

It’s important to note that some aura readers use these terms interchangeably, while others make a distinction.


Rare Aura Colors

The rarest aura colors include:

  • Gold, associated with spiritual enlightenment and divine wisdom;
  • Silver, indicating strong intuitive abilities and abundance;
  • Magenta, suggesting non-conformity and high creativity;
  • White, and crystal or clear, often seen in highly evolved souls;
  • Rainbow, which represents a period of significant transformation and balanced chakras.

It’s important to note that the rarity of these aura colors doesn’t make them instantly better than more common colors. Each aura color, whether rare or common, carries its own significance and beauty. The presence of a rare aura color simply indicates distinctive traits or experiences that aren’t often encountered in aura readings.

Additionally, auras can change over time, reflecting our personal growth and life circumstances. If you resonate with one of these rare aura colors, consider it an invitation to explore the unique aspects of your personality and spiritual journey!

We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to share this article with friends and family who might be interested in the colorful world of auras! 🙂


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