My guess is that the first angel number that came to your mind is 1111.

It is the most searched one, that’s for sure. No wonder since it usually appears around the beginning of one’s spiritual awakening, it is pretty distinctive and, considering the patterns and the frequency, it’s just hard to overlook it.

But, what are Angel Numbers?

Angel numbers are repeating sequences of numbers that appear in various places, such as clocks, license plates, receipts, and songs. They are believed to be messages from the spiritual realm that offer guidance, insight, and confirmation. Some people associate them with angels, spirit guides, ancestors, or higher consciousness.

Angel numbers are based on the principles of numerology, which is the study of the mystical meaning and vibration of numbers. According to numerology, every number has a unique energy and significance that influences our lives. By paying attention to the numbers that show up around us, we can tune into the messages and lessons they have for us. You can also ask for specific angel numbers to appear as signs or answers to your questions.

There are many different angel numbers, each with their own meaning and message.

Some of the most common ones are listed below.

Angel Numbers and MessagesPhoto by Brittani Burns on Unsplash

Angel Numbers Meaning



This angel number is a sign of manifestation and new beginnings. It means that your thoughts are powerful and can create your reality. You should focus on what you want and not what you don’t want. Be positive and optimistic about your future. This is a great time to start a new project or pursue a new goal.



This angel number is a sign of balance and harmony. It means that your life is out of alignment in some way and you need to restore equilibrium. You may need to work on your relationships, your health, your career, or your spirituality. Trust that everything will work out for your highest good. This is also a sign of cooperation and partnership.



This angel number is a sign of creativity and growth. It means that you are being guided by your higher self and the divine. You have a strong connection to the spiritual realm and your intuition. You should express your talents and passions and share them with the world. This is also a sign of abundance and prosperity.



This angel number is a sign of protection and support. It means that you are surrounded by angels and spirit guides who are watching over you and helping you along your path. You are not alone and you are safe. You should trust that everything is going according to plan and that you are on the right track.



This angel number is a sign of change and transformation. It means that you are going through a major shift in your life and you need to embrace it. You may be experiencing some challenges or difficulties, but they are necessary for your growth and evolution. You should be flexible and adaptable to the new situations and opportunities that are coming your way.



This angel number is a sign of healing and alignment. It means that you need to pay attention to your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. You may be out of balance or out of sync with your true self. You should take care of yourself and practice self-love and self-care. You should also release any fears or negative thoughts that are holding you back.



This angel number is a sign of luck and synchronicity. It means that you are in tune with the universe and its magic. You are experiencing miracles and blessings in your life. You should be grateful and acknowledge the gifts that you have received. You should also follow your intuition and trust that you are on the right path.



This angel number is a sign of abundance and success. It means that you are attracting wealth and prosperity in all areas of your life. You have worked hard and you deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You should be confident and optimistic about your future. You should also share your abundance with others and be generous.



This angel number is a sign of completion and closure. It means that you are ending a cycle or phase in your life and you need to let go of the past. You have learned the lessons that you needed to learn and you are ready to move on to the next chapter. You should celebrate your achievements and prepare for new beginnings.

angel numbers meaningPhoto by Markus Spiske


This angel number is a sign of alignment and activation. It means that you are in sync with your soul purpose and mission. You have the potential to achieve anything you desire and make a positive impact on the world. You should take action and pursue your goals with passion and determination.



This angel number is a sign of awakening and enlightenment. It means that you are becoming more aware of yourself and the reality around you. You are seeing things from a higher perspective and understanding the deeper meaning of life. You should pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and intuition as they are messages from the universe.



This angel number is a sign of progress and direction. It means that you are moving forward and making steps towards your goals. You are following a logical and orderly sequence and you are on the right track. You should keep up the good work and trust that you are being guided by the divine.



This angel number is a sign of peace and harmony. It means that you are in a state of grace and flow with the universe. You are experiencing a sense of calm and tranquility in your life. You should appreciate the beauty and joy that surrounds you. You should also spread love and kindness to others.

angel number 2020Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Personally speaking, angel numbers that have been following me the most are: 333, 777, 1111, 2222.

Other angel numbers did come to me through some patterns, during some stages of my journey, but I’d say they were more temporary, if we’re to consider the entire timeline.

Another angel number that have marked my spiritual journey is 2020

2020 was actually the year of my complete spiritual and kundalini awakening. It is forever ingrained as super special in my mind, body and soul. Something most precious yet most intense I ever had to endure and I’m beyond grateful for every second of it.


angel numbers during the spiritual journey

That year came to an end and a new chapter of my journey got unlocked together with 2021, new outlook, new resolutions, new everything.

Freedom. Fresh dose of courage.

Various signs, confirmations and the overall feeling that I’m on the right path, making progress that’s significant to my soul’s purpose. Giving myself more space to dream and, most importantly, the space to realize all those dreams and inspire others to do the same.

This blog was born that same year and it has brought me so much joy and peace ever since.

Something to cherish for a lifetime.





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